Sunday, January 17, 2010

Love in the time of technology.

Today with the modern inventions of cell phones, palm pilots, email on the go, and twittering the dating world has started changing and evolving into a much different beast than we have all been accustomed to. There was a time when the courting part of a relationship lasted longer than it takes for your third text message to send through the sms system. There was a time when we met, we adored from afar, we made contact, then we had dinner. Then it was time to let the other person know what we thought of them, we mailed them a letter, perhaps this is where the whole 3 day rule came from with standard postage it would take about 3 days for your message of adoration to make it to your beloved. Now all that can sometimes and more often than not happens in about thirty seconds. Perhaps we feel the need to rush into things faster these days. Wendy’s resturaunt cooks and delivers your food to you in under 2 minutes, this is just another sign of our lack of patience and short attention span. We have tivo record our favorite shows and we fast forward through the commercials because we want our show faster. We have the world cater to our every desire. This has overflowed into our dating lives. We want to know everything about the person as soon as possible so we can get our agenda accomplished sooner than ever. Some of us want the wham bam thank you ma’am. The sooner we text you a few times, call you for a date, woo your pants off and leave before the sun comes up the better. And some of us want to fall in love so fast we desire to know every little thing about the other person and this can be devastating to a relationship for two reasons. 1 we find everything out too soon, we get married and find out 2 years down the road there is nothing else we care to find out about this person so we move on to the next. 2 too much information too soon can be bad too, say you don’t like something about someone on Monday but Wednesday you find it completely endearing. You don’t like how your guy peels his labels off his soda but you later find out it was how his grandfather peeled them when he would visit him in the summer. You don’t like how your gal wont talk to you late at night but then you find out its because she is self conscious about talking with her retainer in because it makes her sound funny which you really end up loving. We have such a short attention span now that we don’t let these things develop into quirks that we love anymore. I myself am guilty of moving on past someone and later realizing how great that person was. Im sure you have too. Back to the letter writing, when we are allowed to write a letter there is a certain personal touch when written, it shows your flaws or accents your good points if you spell words correctly in a written letter its because you know how to spell or are conscious enough to look them up in a dictionary there is no spell check or red squiggles under your mistakes. Also we are free to really express ourselves uninterrupted and completely bleed ourselves onto the paper. So perhaps the next time you are smitten by someone you should hold back on finding everything out on your lunch break, sit down, write them a letter, and let yourself fall in an old fashioned way.


  1. I agree. Dating is a completely different animal than it once was. As soon as we find out someone's name, we can't wait to search them on Facebook or Myspace and find out everything we can about them. How about we try ASKING that person about themself? You might get a little better perspective and understanding from the real person, rather than from a 2D computer screen. Life is meant to be lived, not to be wasted behind a TV or computer screen. So... get out there people! Make some actual connections with actual people. Learn something new, experience something great. Don't waste your life. You only get one of them.

  2. Wow. Great written article, Johnathan! I just recently divorced and am facing the single life again. It is a scary thing to see how the single world has evolved since I was single. I think there are so many ppl nowadays that just want a "hook up" with someone and don't really care about getting to know the person. I totally agree that getting to know a person is best done by picking up the phone and talking or talking to them in person, taking a person on a date to dinner and a movie. That is the only way to get to know someone and as you say fall the old fashioned way...
