Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Its time to wake up.

When you dream are you aware that you are dreaming? Have you ever experienced things in a dream that you cannot explain? how physics works how things work? Have you ever had the feeling that someone was watching your every move? have you ever considered that you are the one watching you? Belief in positive thinking or prayer has been thought to bring favorable outcomes,
 have you considered that this is your brain attempting to control your dream? Perhaps you are scared to wake up because this is the best dream you have ever had. Or maybe this is a nightmare and you cant wake up from it. Or perhaps you simply just don't know you're dreaming. Either way we cannot dream forever there is always a time one needs to WAKE UP. Deja vu, its not some mystical occurrence or trick your brain plays on you, it's your brain feeding actual information into your dream. Have you ever met someone who reminded you so much of someone you already know. That's because you know a finite number of people in your real life and your mind recycles the attributes of those people into the vast number of characters in your dream. Your real life is waiting for you. Don't be scared. Consider this, If in fact this whole vast life you think you have been living were a dream and you either wanted to or needed to wake up your self conscience would design a method of you to either wake yourself up or to inform you that it was in fact a dream. If that was the case I did not write this blog you did. This is a scary premise yes, but with this truth comes a bit of comfort, all the bad things are not real, they have simply manifested here by your own fears leaking into your dream. All the good things in this "life" come from within you and seeing how in this world you have made good defeat evil. You are inherently a good person allowing your goodness, your virtue and your own happiness from your heart overcome the only real evil there is, your own fear. Acknowledge that you have learned the lesson you needed to learn from this slumber and your eyes will open to the real world.... Did you sleep well?

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